Quick Information:

  • Open M-F: 6am to 6pm

  • Map of Location

  • Nutritious Meals

  • Curriculum offered

  • Child Action Accepted


  • Phone: 916-346-2094

  • License: SAC60336FCCH

My philosophy:

I will strive to provide a safe, comfortable, stimulating, fun, educational environment in my home with a semi-structured day plan.

Activities will include free playtime, structured playtime, large motor skill playtime, small motor skills activities, story time, arts and crafts, music and dance activities, nutrition, cultural activities, and other educational yet fun activities.

I will also provide nutritious meals and snacks, and encourage good personal hygiene skills and manners.

The television will rarely be on during regular care hours, and then only to watch educational programs or activities which I have personally pre-screened to be appropriate for even the youngest viewers.

Through a mixture of guided and undirected creative play, children in my care will have the opportunity to learn about color, shapes, textures, numbers, letters, animals, seasons, feelings, senses, nutrition, personal hygiene, manners, basic science and math concepts, and creative concepts such as "pretend" play, art, music, drama, and dance.

These may sound like lofty goals for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, but most children learn all of these things and more through creative educational play.

I do not believe in pushing any child to learn at an accelerated rate, and will not make a child feel pressured to achieve developmental milestones. By providing the right kind of fun safe environment, I believe the children will learn at their own appropriate pace.

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